Taita M. Jesus

As a musician, composer, and singer of Medicine Music, and as a Spiritual Doctor of the sacred Yage remedy, I was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, and I am a proud member of the Kaamash - Hu Karibe Indigenous community.

My life's dedication is to share this remedy for the expansion of consciousness, healing, and spiritual health that sacred plants and Medicine Music reveal to us. This journey of self-discovery has allowed me to embrace self-love and discover my true essence.

The natural brew of plants, this medicine, has a profound ability to awaken us and unveil truths hidden from our sight. This transformation began within me. Before embarking on this path, my life was vastly different, shaped by a worldview that left me largely unaware of my purpose and place in this world. I was entangled in confusion and suffering. Gradually, this sacred medicine unveiled truths that transcend words, guiding me towards acceptance of the world as it is. This journey has led to reconciliation, peace within myself, and harmony with the world around me.

In this moment, I am deeply grateful for every breath, for the lessons learned from both mistakes and successes. They have taught me to see through the eyes of the heart, to embrace love, and to tread this beloved and sacred earth with nothing but love.