The school of joy is a non-profit organization whose administrative headquarters is located in Colombia and its spectrum of service is all the territories of the world.

We are a committed collective to humanity and the environment that surrounds us. Inspired to bring a message of healing, peace, joy and with the courage to share a change of paradigm that allows us to live in harmony with our existence accepting the perfection of abundance and total health.

The invitation is to fully feel your existence, as part of a harmonic system that is composed by the universe, nature and the feeling of the human act, in synthesis:


Ancestral Cosmovision



Ancestral Wisdom

We are an indigenous community, composed of 817 families settled in different parts of the Atlantico Department in Caribbean Coast of Colombia, we seek to recover the traditions, orality and values of their ancestors.

Currently the Kaamash-Hu are in a process of vindication with their culture, a struggle that we began in the mid 80's to rescue the customs, laws and dialect of our people.

In order to enter our territory, we perform sacred rituals of smoke pagamento led by the Authority of the highest government and priest of the line of the warrior Jaguar (Uruckomehua) or of sacred knowledge, Lord Uxuriixeeke Bariixaahua or (Helmer Vázquez Coll).

With a branch, the priest Bariixahua draws in the sand the symbol of the kunuuntu, to represent air, fire, earth and water, and thus achieve a connection with the guardian spirits of the sacred territory.

The ritual continues and the priest spreads the sacred tobacco smoke around the place and emits sounds by blowing the (shuvaa jor) or "sacred conch". On the other hand, of the companions, the one with the highest authority waves a maraca, whose "vibrations rise into space and soothe the spirit of those present". Both perform this ceremony by turning three times on their own axis, slowly and stealthily.

The abundant smoke coming out of the tobacco and the cessation of the birds' songs indicate that the doors are open and the spirits have granted permission to step on sacred ground.


- To guarantee Ayahuasca medicine and the raw material that composes it, which concomitantly implies the adequate protection of the environment.

- To produce, strengthen and expand the genre of medicine music.

- To lead people towards a new perspective of human life on earth and in the universe: The naturalization of the human being, the humanization of nature and the universality of being.

- To create schools of joy in different parts of the world, where all the tradition and sensitivity of this ancestral knowledge is offered from the benefits of Ayahuasca.

- To generate in an epistemological, academic and systematic way all the components of this healing procedure.

- Development of procedures for the removal of intangible spiritual entities that disturb the existence of human beings (Parapsychology).

- A new children's education, within the parameters of the Kaamash-Hu Karibe culture.

- Dialogue with the scientific world.

- Agreements with ethnic communities for the recovery of ancestral knowledge.

- Agreement with universities for the systematic study of Ayahuasca and our method of integral healing.

- Use Ayahuasca as a healing method: mourning of victims; detoxification of drug addicts; social reintegration; reconstruction of the social fabric in post-war and conflict environments.

- Real and effective vindication of spirituality as a line of health, in accordance with the dictates of the World Health Organization.

School of Joy

The Foundation